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A prolific public speaker, Chamindra regularly guest lectures internationally. Her speaking engagements cover a wide range, from specialist guest lectures [a selected list appears below], to masterclasses, specialist facilitation and training solutions, and speeches in the political sphere.
Guest Lectures & Speaking Engagements
[Selected List]
8 March 2024: Decolonial feminist worldmaking in the age of fascism, International Women's Day guest lecture, University of Northern British Columbia.
8 Mars 2022: Intervention invitée, événement pour marquer la Journée internationale des femmes, organisé par l'Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI)
7 October 2020: Decolonial Politics, Feminist Futures: Perspectives on Global SOGIESC Advocacy in the New Decade. Keynote address, Queer History Month 2020, McGill University, tio’tia:ke/Montréal, Turtle Island (Canada).
13 February 2020: ‘Decoloniality, transfeminism and love: The personal as political’. University of Victoria, BC, Canada
16 April 2019: ‘Intersecting Decolonialities: Peacebuilding, Racial Justice and Queer Feminist Fault lines’, University College Dublin.
20 March 2019: ‘Developing Global South and Indigenous Queer Solidarities’ – guest lecture at Victoria University, Te-Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand.
23 September 2018: ‘Fighting for Trans Liberation: an Intersectional Feminist Perspective’ – guest intervention at the World Transformed Festival, in conjunction with the 2018 annual conference of the British Labour Party, Liverpool, UK.
3 May 2018: ‘Pride: A Sri Lankan Perspective’, inaugural annual Pride Speech, co-hosted by Chathra, The Community Welfare Development Fund and the Education Renaissance Programme], International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo.
10 April 2018: ‘Decolonial Dialogues, North to South: Towards an Intelligible Conversation’, Hosted by the Decolonial Platform. University College Dublin.
6 March 2018: ‘Power to the People: On Transfeminist Solidarities beyond the Ivory Tower’, University College Dublin, Centre for Gender, Feminisms and Sexualities.
22 February 2018: ‘Solidarités transféministes dans un contexte international peu solidaire’, intervention invitée à Université du Québec à Montréal/Réseau québécois en études féministes [RéQÉF].
15 February 2018: ‘Repenser le transféminisme : vers des perspectives émancipatrices et transnationales’, Chaire de Recherches Canada “Polethics”, Université de Montréal.
25 January 2018: ‘A Transfeminist Discourse that Resembles Us?’, Referat Genderforshung, University of Vienna, Austria.
Conference Presentations
[Selected List]
22 March 2019: [co-organiser and co-moderator] Decolonial Dialogues, combined event on decolonial approaches to global SOGIESC advocacy, 2019 ILGA World Conference, Te-Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand.
21 March 2019: Intersectional priorities and trans/queer parenting, intervention at an event hosted by the Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families Forum, 2019 ILGA World Conference, Te-Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand.
21 March 2019: [co-organiser and moderator] Decolonising SOGIESC Advocacy in South and Southeast Asia, 2019 ILGA World Conference, Te-Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand.
23 September 2018: Fighting for Trans Liberation – guest intervention at the World Transformed Festival, in conjunction with the 2018 annual conference of the British Labour Party, Liverpool, UK.
18 August 2017: Décoloniser l’activisme LGBTQI et Solidarités transnationales du/des « sud/s » : une réflexion Transféministe. Intervention lors de la conférence internationale francophone de Fierté Montréal 2017.
31 May 2017: Gender, parliamentary representation and the quagmires of female legislatorship: politico-historical insights from Northern Ireland?
presented at a roundtable entitled ‘Sex in Parliament? Deliberations on Gender Sensitivity at Home and Abroad’, hosted by the Canadian Political Science Association, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
31 May 2017: Managing Hostilities: A Trans Woman in the Academy?, presentation at a specialist roundtable entitled ‘Feminist Interdisciplinarity: Resistance Against Hostile Academic Environments’ co-hosted by the Canadian Sociological Association, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
le 25 mai 2017: Intervention intituléVers un/des Transféminisme/s qui nous représente.nt ! Un regard provenant du/des « sud.s », lors de l’Université Féministe d’été, Université Laval, Québec.
17 mai 2017: Organisatrice d’un panel intitulé ‘Décoloniser la production scientifique en sciences sociales’, lors du congrès de la Société québécoise de Science Politique, le 17 mai 2017 (Le congrès s’est tenu du 17 au 19 mai 2017 à l’Université du Québec à Montréal).
28 April 2017: Guest presentation at a roundtable discussion entitled ‘Unpacking intersectionality and identity politics’, co-organised by the Anti-Racism Network of Ireland, Dublin. / Intervention invitée lors d’une table-ronde autour de l’intersectionnalité, co-organisée par le réseau irlandais d’antiracisme, Dublin, le 28 avril 2017.
20 April 2017: Guest presentation and panel discussion on reproductive justice, solidarities and movement-building at the 2017 Sex Workers’ Festival of Resistance, Glasgow/ Intervention invitée et participation dans un panel sur la justice reproductive, solidarités et le renforcement des mouvements, lors du festival de résistance des travailleur.euse.s de sexe, Glasgow, le 20 avril 2017.
24 March 2017: Lecture entitled ‘The wise liberal doctor of Ulster’s ills: revisiting the legacy of Sheelagh Murnaghan LLB MP OBE’, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queen’s University Belfast.
16 January 2017: Transfeminist activism within and beyond the academy: a necessary dialogue in the UK context?’ presentation at an ESRC seminar entitled ‘Feminizing Politics’, Birbeck College, The University of London.
30 November 2016: Workshop on ‘Transparenting‘ at the 2016 annual ILGA World conference, Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok. For information, see
Nov 17-18 2016: Guest intervention, plenary panel discussion on social transformation. 2016 Annual conference of Sibéal, the Irish Feminist and Gender Studies Network, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Nov-17-18 2016: 'A woman’s struggle for equality and justice: Revisiting the legacy of Sheelagh Murnaghan MP at trying times', paper presented at the 2016 annual conference of Sibéal, the Irish Feminist and Gender Studies Network, National University of Ireland, Galway.
15 June 2016: 'A Transfeminist Perspective on World Politics', Trans*formations: Conference on Transgender Studies, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
10 June 2016: Presentation, roundtable on Equality and Diversity in the Profession, Women and Politics Summit, hosted by the Women and Politics Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association (UK), University of Edinburgh.
31 May 2016: 'Politics of the left amidst ethno-national division: on shared challenges, impasses and paths forward?', presented at the 2016 annual conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Calgary, Canada.
21 May 2016: "Repenser le pluralisme ? Propagandes médiatiques et les enjeux à la cohésion sociale : regards croisés sur l’expérience londonienne", communication présentée lors du Congrès annuel de 2016 de la Société québécoise de science politique (SQSP), tenu à l’Université Laval, Québec, du 19 au 21 mai 2016 [Podcast:].
22 March 2016: 'Majoritarian Imperatives? The ‘New’ Politics of Sinhala Majoritarian Nationalism in Sri Lanka', presented at the 2016 annual conference of the Political Studies Association, Brighton, UK.
3-5 September 2014: ‘The strange case of Buddhist Brigades: Mapping the [Religious] Extremist Streak in Post-War Sri Lankan Politics’, 2014 conference of the Sociology of Religion Network, European Sociological Association, Belfast.
27 June 2013: ‘Piecemeal Peace? Reflections on the United Nations and the Future of Liberal Peacebuilding at the Hour of Eastphalia’, United Nations University, Bonn, Germany.
23 November 2011: ‘Scylla or charybdis? Exploring Sri Lanka’s foreign policy predicament/s in the post-war phase’, Sri Lanka Roundtable, ETH Zürich.
14 October 2011: ‘Diasporic Meanderings: some reflections on the political trajectory of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in the post-war phase’, Université Bordeaux III, Michel de Montaigne, France.
28 July 2010: ‘Synthèse: extrême droite, ethnic polarisation and radical disagreements: reflections on the post-2009 Sri Lankan experience’, 21st European Conference of South Asia Studies (ECSAS), Universität Bonn, Germany.
25 April 2009: ‘Indispensable Partners for Conflict Regulation or Ruthless Terrorists: Comparative perspectives on the Provisional IRA in Northern Ireland and the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka’, 2009 Graduate Conference, Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI), University College, Cork.
3 September 2008: ‘Players from Afar: International Intervention in the Sri Lankan Conflict’, annual conference of the Conflict Research Society, University of Kent at Canterbury.
20 August 2008: ‘Non-Violent Faith as Perpetrator of Violence? Buddhism and Sinhalese Nationalist Discourse in Sri Lanka’, presented at an international conference entitled Understanding Conflicts: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
12 September 2007:‘Fragmented (Unitary) State and Nationalist Hub? Sri Lanka at Crossroads’. Conference entitled 'Beyond the Nation: Nations and Nationalism', Queen’s University, Belfast, 10-12 Sept. 2007.
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